21st Century Hidden Job Change
The best time to look for a new job is when you already have one. That job search is, by definition, a Covert Job Search, one kept hidden from your current employer.
Why should you look for a job when you already have one?
1. Hiring managers are naturally drawn to employed candidates because of the implied seal of approval current employment provides; it is a natural human tendency to be drawn to things (and people) that are desired by others.
2. Unless you’re independently wealthy it’s better to be employed and maintain your income during your job search.
3. Your ability to negotiate for what is important to you (money, title, benefits, etc.) with a new employer (or even your old one) is many times greater when coming from a position of current employment.
4. Change for the better may happen at your present job during your search–it is always better to have choices and to look from a position of strength provides more.
Unfortunately, managing the mechanics of a Covert Job Search is often complex. Logistically, of course, phone calls are harder to make, interviews are harder to schedule, even submitting your resume is more difficult when doing so covertly is necessary. But Covert Job Search while employed is necessary because it leaves you in far greater control than looking for a job when unemployed.
Intervyou has grown out of 25 years of executive recruitment practice. Executive search focuses overwhelmingly on the recruitment of currently employed candidates and the process involves teaching employed candidates how to keep their potential job change hidden from current employers until the moment for change is at hand.
Intervyou can teach you how to:
—Predict change before layoffs–what to look for in unstable times;
—Prepare the ground for your Covert Job Search–make it easier by planning ahead;
—Efficiently use your most important Covert Job Search tool–the telephone;
—Use The Cloud to manage your search while minimizing use of your current employers resources;
—Negotiate for what you want with a new employer or your old one;
—Manage offers (and counteroffers) and Move your excellence, on your own terms!™